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My articles

  • Article published on 2017-10-06

    YouTube.pl lets you upload video files in i.e. HD, 4K quality. Maybe you wondered if you had symetric fiber internet line, that is you would have i.e. 500 Mbps downloading speed limit and 500 Mbps uploading speed limit, so what the real internet speed would be if you would upload video on YouTube? Does YouTube put some limits for uploading video files on their servers?

    The answer is "Yes, they do". I have the most effective internet in Poland for detail client: 600 Mbps (downloading limit) and 60 Mbps (uploading limit) and I gets such uploading speed results.
    The average uploading transfer speed was 45.26 Mbps (the actual/current uploading speed was even 46.12 Mbps). I was uploading 56 GB 4K video file.

    This video files was uploading for 2 hours and 24 minutes.

    The delay of fiber internet was on 4 ms level.
    I add that the fiber cable is being connected directly to my home in block of flats. The router which was processing the traffic was DrayTek 2860n on LAN cables RJ45 cat. 5e, so theoreticaly it should serve 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps).

    So as you see YouTube put uploading limit to 45-46 Mbps, despite the internet speed website test (www.orange.pl) showed me even 61-62 Mbps max. internet uploading speed.
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